Are there any questions?
Is something unclear or do you want to know which villa is best for you? Feel free to contact us and let us advise you. Start a Live Chat, call (+34) 607 450 004 or email [email protected]
How long is the flight to the Costa Brava?
The Costa Brava is less than a 2-hour flight from Holland, Belgium or Germany.
I am delayed, what should I do?
It may happen that you get caught in a long traffic jam or your plane is delayed. Then you will arrive much later than planned. Please let us know in time so we can take this into account. Arrival is possible until 20:00, later arrival may incur extra costs.
Is Bonvida present in Spain?
Yes, we are permanently located on the Costa Brava and will be your direct contact during the vacations. On arrival you will be welcomed by us personally, and in case of questions we are constantly available.